
A registry is a collection of modules, packages, assets, and sometimes other registries.

We have three different types of registries:

Registries are loaded in the order described above, and duplicate names will be ignored.


Since duplicate names are ignored, the local registries can be used to override other registries.


The registry definition consists of a listing of a name and a repository, and are listed in a .registries.json:

        "name": "<name>",
        "repository": "https://<repository>.git"


Local Registries

Local registries are registries that are added on a per project base override. By defining a .registries.json file in the root of a project, we can add new registries that contain registries specific for that project. These registries may define assets, packages and modules.


registries.json from these registries will not be loaded.

Root Registries

Root registries are registries that may define new registries to load. Since their .registries.json files will be parsed and added. These registries may define assets, packages and modules.

Normal Registries

These registries may define assets, packages and modules.


.registries.json from these registries will not be loaded.